Thursday, November 11, 2010're early...

So here's my pondering of the day and before I ask the question let me give you a little background information. I like being early to appointments. My freshmore (freshmen/sohpmore) of college one of the things Dr. Dittmer told me that has stuck with me to this day is "if you are not 15 mins early then you are". But I'm not always early there are times I walk in late to places usually my aviation classes ;-). Anyways especially when I go to a new place I leave my house extra early to give myself enough time to get lost. Anyways I was driving to a new hair salon today to get my hair done for senior pictures & I realized I will be exactly 15 mins early "yay me" I thought, but a conversation that took place last month came back to me. I had a meeting with the dean of the college of science & technology. Wanting to appear as an adult & as someone who values others time I showed up somewhere from 15 to 20 mins early. I checked in with his assistance. She just merely told me "oh you're early he's in another meeting" I thought to myself well duh I know I'm early. But when she said it, it was almost as if she was annoyed or like WTC!!!!. So here is my pondering "is it a bad thing to be late now a days?" I mean I heavily dislike being late to church let alone to an appointment where no one knows off me. Whatever happen to making a good impression & valuing others??? Please help

PS- posted via my blackberry....yea...I'm that technologically savvy *brushes shoulder off*


  1. If anything (and though what I'm about to say may not refer to the subject itself) the biggest thing In which I find very admirable is that you wrote this on your blackberry. This only shows how passionate you are about writing and where your words can not only take you, but how it can benefit others. Awesome!!

  2. LOL!! Yea I was pretty impressed myself...last night I found a way to post straight from my blackberry without really logging in. YEA BUDDY!!!!
