Thursday, March 24, 2011

Written 3/21/2011

As I laid in my bed late last night surfing the web. I saw yet another acquitance on facebook bounce from one relationship to another. As I sat their pondering about this one of the most crude thoughts formed in my mind. And as crude as it is, it made complete sense to me.

If we treated dating a little bit more like a business deal then we would be in for less of a heart break. Now hear me out...I'm not saying be an emotion Nazi, but to more knowing I supposed is the word I'm looking for. Here's the deal....your first conversation with a person tells you a lot about them. You don't need to sugar coat it for them they've already laid it out on the table (let's look at this as the contract). Now after seeing what you see why sugar coat it and go into only to realize months down the line that it wasn't what you wanted in the first place. Then you get the reputation of someone who bounces in and out of relationship...a flake.

My friends tend to get on my case about not giving people chances. That I should go out more often, and that if anything it's at least a free dinner. You see I don't look at it as a free dinner...I look at it as an obligation...I look at it as people saying "she just cant decides she's always dating around"....I also do this because I'm pretty sure of what I DON'T want. You see most guys that try to talk to me as soon as they open their mouth and start talking I listen to what comes out of it. How they handle themselves? How they treat people? If none of these matches up why not just be friends or acquittance because clearly I'm not about to lead you on and give you false hope and waste both of our times.

Am I absolutely wrong for thinking this way?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jeremiah 29:11 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

In my life I have met many people who have many favorite scriptures. Me..well as for me this is the only one I have stuck by, and has stuck with me. It seems as if with each passing months that I step in from one storm to another and I always had to remind myself Jeremiah 29:11. Ever since graduating from college it's been yet another roller coaster of a ride with my emotions. For the first time in my life I found myself with no job and no plan. Most days I find it even hard to get out of my bed and do anything because what's the point. After this weekend I have decided that I am going to start looking at graduate programs. These are the days I see no light at the end of the tunnel. I have no idea how I am going to pay for school, if I have to move how I will afford it or even how to pick the right school for my grad program (I had a horrible experience with my under grad) 

And then I have to remind myself...I didn't do it by myself the last time. Even though I don't see the light yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and above all I just have to believe in my heart of hearts that I will end up where I need to be when I need to be there.

Pray for me ya' is a tough day.

And tomorrow I have an interview for which I'm not even excited about, but will have to fake enthusiasm through. It'll be okay because better days are yet to come :-).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Product Review

So I'm a bit "eh" today, and I wanted to write, but I just couldn't loop up all my thoughts, so I figured as long as my fingers felt the keyboard I should feel somewhat okay. So instead of talking about what is making me "eh" I decided to do a product review. So I have NEVER done one of these, and really didn't think I would. I've been wanting to get a curling wand for some time now, but being on a strict budget I decided against it until some sort of money came my way that I may "splurge" with. In rolls income tax money. I told myself that when ever I get my money from the government I would do something nice for myself, and last night I decided that something would be a wand. So this morning I walked into Target and made my purchase. I was going to wait till I washed my hair the next time to use it, but I just couldn't wait. So here is my purchase

It is the Remington Pearl Wand, and I must say I realllllly like it!!!!. I curled my whole head in about 15 mins or less. Goes upto 400 degrees and less than $30. I say INVEST!!!! Okay...I need to do a real post fake posting wasn't helpful.