Thursday, May 17, 2012

I've never been the type to spent countless hours on looking at the perfect engagement ring. I knew I wanted one if I ever got engaged, but left the stressing to whoever chooses to pop the big question. Recently a friend of mine got hitched (YAY!! Congratulations!!!). So while running errands with her I asked her "Are you going to get rings?"

Back tracking:
       I was born and brought up as an Indian Pentecostal. So we do not believe in jewelry or makeup or anything like that. Usually in an Indian Pentecostal wedding rings are not exchanged, but the more modern couples do it after the ceremony is over at their own leisure. 

So now you understand why I asked her that question. Her reply was "You know I don't need all that". I replied a with a quick "yea", but felt a little pang of selfishness when I thought "no ring...I would want a ring". So here we are few months after the wedding, and I am online shopping for rings.......for her. Yes, the same girl that said she doesn't need a ring is now in the market for one. I first I thought "WOW I wish I could go back to the place in life where I didn't want or need a ring", but when this happen I was reminded we are all human we all sort of desire that token to showcase our relationship. See here is what has occurred me in the past hour and half. The ring isn't about the size, or how much it shines (at least not for us). It's the symbolism behind it. It says some where out there, some one loves me enough to spend the rest of their life with me. It says I have a partner. It says I can walk about in my jammies all day and this person will think the best of me. It says I belong to someone, somewhere in this crazy hectic world. When I see a person's ring to me it's showing  a sign of commitment, not WOW look at how much he makes. To me it says I CHOOSE TO BE WITH GOD'S BEST FOR ME!

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