Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spiritual Snap Shots

So the other day as I often do I was browsing through my older profile pictures on facebook. I like to see the changes that has taken place, to think what I was feeling that moment, and just to see how much I have changed or if any changes have taken place. As I browsed through the pictures I stopped and looked at one particular picture. I’ve seen this picture so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve read and re-read the comments and laughed or smiled accordingly, but this time I looked at the picture and realized how much my hair has grown since that picture was taken (9 months prior). The funny thing is I’ve been determined to grow my hair out as much as possible, but after a while I stopped seeing results. I told myself that my hair is incapable of growing past a certain point. When I looked in the mirror daily my hair had not made much progress since that picture. But in all honesty my hair has grown out far more than I knew, but since I was always looking at it every day I didn’t see change, and the change wasn’t as fast as I had anticipated. It got me thinking about two of my dear friends who quite often tell me how much I have grown in Christ, and how much I continue to grow. But through my eyes I felt like since I was truly saved I haven’t made that much progress, and it often takes a toll on me because serving Christ and growing in him means so much to me. When they tell me this I see it here and there, but most times I think they’re smoking crack. But after seeing my profile pictures today I have realized I have grown I just don’t see it, because I have a goal and where I think I SHOULD be and then there is the reality of where I actually AM. That doesn’t mean I haven’t grown in Christ…I mean I would have to pass that stage to get to where I think I SHOULD be right? I mean my hair can’t go from a bob too long and flowing over night (unless weave/extension is involved). Just like that I can’t come into the Kingdom and expect to be where someone of 25 years has been over night. It takes times and patience, and most important of it all it takes commitment. So I told myself I should take snap shots of my Spiritual growth!!, but seeing as that is nearly impossible to photograph where I am spiritually I should start writing more about where I am in life. Cause in all honesty if GOD gave me some of the trials I’ve been enduring these past couple of months I would not have been able handle it with such GRACE…..or GRACE period back then LOL!!! I would have not have been able to say such things as “ I know I wake up every morning with the will to move on because GOD is on my side, and tomorrow will be better, and he won’t give me more than I can handle”

Well there’s my spiritual journal/snap shot….let’s see how many changes take place..

1 comment:

  1. So very VERY Proud of you sweet heart. And you truly have grown. Im amazed at the woman of GOD you are and continue to strive to be. Only pushes me to be better for you. Great Blog
