Friday, May 13, 2011

I smiled as we hung up the phone. I had a few tears in my eyes, but they were tears of joy not off sadness. As soon as I hung up our 45 minute conversation my phone automatically prompted to add this unknown number into my phone book. I stared at it intently thinking "maybe it's time I add this number back into my address book". I stared at it too long, because the prompt went away. I smiled anyways...because I knew that's not a number I would forget anytime soon. It's been itched in my memory like a tatoo. I have had many memories with this number. I have called it endless amounts of times....texted it more times than I could recall...fought with it....cried with it...laughed... broke up with it...made up with it.... even fell in love with the person who this number belonged too. So you see regardless of if I added it or not didn't make much of a difference, because it has left it's mark in my life. So I put my phone down wiped away the few tears that has formed in my eyes, and laid down with the satisfaction of knowing that even when you think all hope is gone, God has a way of turning it around. It was never the ending I wanted, but it's the ending I needed.

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