Monday, July 12, 2010

The Prodigal

All of us at one point or another have heard the story of the prodigal son. As far as I was concerned it was always a story to me...never did I look into any deeper than that. Last year I went through a phase of "God why not me...I've been here waiting...asking...but it seems like you've skipped me over, and you gave it to the newbie" While driving one evening on 59 headed home probably still wondering why I got skipped over God kindly reminded me the story of the Prodigal Son. He told me Juby you're right you've been here, and you have been asking for things, but the the truth is the newbies went and sold everything they had, but now they are finally back and I'm just celebrating that. He then kindly reminded me what the son who never left still had. He still had his land....his rights...everything his father gave him, while the prodigal son who had the exact same thing went and lost it all. At that moment all I could do was laugh at my own foolishness and thank God for yet again opening my eyes to see things from his perspective.

So rejoice when your brother or sister comes back and if they seem to be getting a bit more attention that you just realize Dad's just happy to see them back, and you still have everything he has given you ;-)

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