One of the shows I watch on MTV (Renamed RTV=Reality Television) is 16 and Pregnant. One thing I always hear from the young mothers is this saying "I love being a mom, but it's not as easy as I thought it would be". Got me thinking how easy do you think it is to take care of another life form, and completely dedicate yourself to them? I mean I an 24 and I think it would be hard for me to take care of a child being in my age group, but whatever it is here nor there nor is it the reason I got on here.
Well guys it happen Saturday and I have pictures to prove it...
Mark, Me, and Chevy |
One of my best friend |
Being out usual selfs |
My big brother |
My mother |
Whitney & I |
My father & I |
Opening my 50mm lens :-) |
I'm so sad I just realized I didn't take any pictures with my Houston parents :(...what the heck!!!! Who does that!?
So I want to share a story with ya'll. I forgot all about this story till a few weeks ago when it randomly popped up in my head, and I just couldn't believe I used to believe this, and this morning I got a chance to share it with my Houston mom. Where to start where to start? OK so we were talking about word curses, and how people can't just decide who is going to be prosperous, and forward word curses. Side note: that's not exactly what she said, but the general concept was around there. Growing up I used to think I was a curse or bad luck charm to others, and my family actually made me believe that. Growing up my big brother was everyone's favorite. On my dad's side of the family he was the first born male and my mom's side they liked him (not to say they didn't like me, but my brother was preferred over me) He got to take trips, and do things that I was not allow to do, and I do not hold any of this against him. I love him dearly, and he is one of my best friends to this day. Even though both sides of the family are Christians, Indians are still very superstitious. Every New Years day they believe that the first person that steps into their house makes all the difference. So every New Years morning they made sure my brother was the first to enter anyone's house, because he had some sort of luck to him, and that him being the first person in their house will bring them a prosperous year. On top of that people exchange money, and usually my brother had the fortune of always being the first person to hand money to my aunts, cousins,grandmother and mom. No one ever asked me in those years to be the first one to step into their house New Years day or give them money. They even made comments saying that having me around wasn't the best of I grew up accepting that I was bad luck. I remember one particular time I was at my aunt's business just checking it out, and later on that night someone vandalized the whole store. I heard the story the next morning, and my first thought was "Oh GOD! I hope they don't remember I was at the store yesterday I know it was because I was there". I stayed towards the back of the room so they wouldn't say anything, but of course my aunt said something to the affect of me being in the store, and of course it all made sense to them then. Anytime something bad happen I just blamed myself, because I was somewhere near by...even as a teenage and in my earlier 20's if something happen to my friends or family I thought to myself "It's because of me...I carry bad luck with me, and people around me are effected". So sometimes I just avoided being around people if one bad thing happen to them.
I carried around this stigma with me for 20 something years, and I can't believe I let it get that far, and let others make me believe that I was the reason for things going wrong on my life. Truth of the matter is others words do not make me...nor do their curses break me. I guess the reason I am writing this whole entry is because I know I'm not the only person who has ever had to deal with something like this in their life. I'm just here to say...they're all dead wrong! You are a blessing!!!, and people should feel blessed to have you in their lives. God didn't create you so others can say "oh what a bad luck charm" he created you in his glory and for his glory. He made NO mistakes when he thought of having you come into this world. Keep living life, and keep living it right, and one day who knows maybe the ones the called you a curse/bad luck will be the ones asking for a simple blessing or two. When that moment comes keep the humility of Christ and help all those in need, and if that moment never comes know that you have people in your life that appreciate you and love you just for who you are, and THINGS HAPPEN! That in itself is inevitable.
Wow. Just when I think I know everything, I learn something else about your past and it only continues to grow you for the better. You really do continue to encourage me on all levels Jube. And thx for writing another BLOG!!! I finally got my fix from you! Been checkin every day!! Lol
ReplyDeleteP.S. Love... LOVE The background. The moment I went to your link, your background came on 1st and I was like... O SNAP!! BOMB DIG A DE!!!! And I'm really glad you realized your worth something. Your definitely not a curse. Describing you as a Blessing is an understatement. Love you more than words can say.
LOL!!! I'm a woman of many stories and surprises! hahaha, and thank you...I wish I could make my background stretch out without tiling it, but right now that's all it's till I figure out other wise...I'll stick with what I have