My church is located 5 minutes away from a beach. Now most people would get excited, and think "WOW!! that's awesome I bet you go there all the time" to which I must say NEGATIVE!! I don't, however I should. The beach is called Sylvan, and I still remember the first time I ever went to Sylvan. I was helping my church with a parade in the summer of 2007, and after the parade I decided to go with a few friends, and church members over to Sylvan. Now I was excited to see this beach, and like most of you would be upon hearing that a beach is 5 minutes away I was pretty pumped about it. I drove up to the beach, and to my utter surprise it was a disastrous. I just could not believe they actually called this a beach. The water was murky, the walls were about to fall down, the dock that people walked on looked super sketchy, and to top it off HUMIDITY!. After that time I can literally count the times I have been back to Sylvan, and after hurricane Ike it got worse. Earlier this year I went to the beach late in the evening just to relive some old memories, and I noticed some changes taking place at Sylvan. I didn't think much about it...I went on with my life, and didn't return. That is till about two months ago...I was on my way to church when I realized how early I was. To kill some time I got some food to go, and decided to go by the beach and eat my food. As I drove up to the beach I was stunned at what was before me. In front of me stood a whole need Sylvan beach completely transformed, and beautiful, and leaving up to the potential it could be living up to. I parked my car, and took it all in. I looked out to the horizon and my thoughts started to wander, and I thought to myself only the engineers, and planners could have seen this. Only they could have imagined such a run down beach into something more aesthetically pleasing to all and bring it to life. Which lead me to think about two people in my life and those two are the people I call my Houston parents. I look at them as I look at the planners, and engineers or Sylvan. The reason being they see a beautiful beach in every Sylvan. I might look at you and say "hopeless" or "wow is this what you call a beach" but they say "a new paint job here, new docks, new wall and you'll be good as new". I thank God for these people, because they saw a beautiful beach in me when all I considered myself as was another Sylvan.
OLD SYLVAN (This is me being kind with the pictures)
The beach truly is BACK...granted I don't know the engineers, and planners of Sylvan Beach...I know these two...
Houston Mom |
Houston Dad |
Wonderful and so Simply put. Great Analogy