Well it's been a long time coming, and it's confirmed I have been diagnosed with something most children have, but it never left me.....I am a recipient of an over active imagination. You know that moment in your life you are borderline about to fall into that place of self pity, and oh woe is me, and all of the sudden like a flash of lighting you remember GOD's promises, and then you start speaking over your situation, and you start to feel a little better. Sometimes it's hard to get there, and someone has to help you speak that thing over and over again. So right now as I was texting my friend I told her to say it loud and proud "Greater is he who is within me that he is out in the world". I told her to kick the enemy to the curb, because she honestly is much stronger than that. At that very moment I had a mental imagine of the enemy. I saw him get angry and scream, and slightly pulling out his hair, because he was on his way to persuading someone they are less than they are, and here comes some girl reminding her of who her GOD is "Stupid girl" he said "I was going my thing".....bahaha don't you feel stupid Mr. Satan. He almost had it, but GOD's people are much stronger. After having that mental image I was confirmed with an over active imagination....even though it's true Jesus Rules and Satan Drools....
#randomestpostEVER....yes even more random than my dislike towards using flash when you have good lighting.
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