Few years back I was visiting my parents church during mothers day weekend, and they did the sermon quite different. A few mothers of the church came up to the pulpit and shared their feelings, and just about being a mother. I sat there bored out of mind, and couldn't believe this is what I drove up for. I don't remember what any of those mothers said except one. She walked up to the pulpit, and started sharing about the younger generations and her concern. She talked about an ad she saw for under garments. The company was advertising bra's that have rhinestones on them, and pretty much gave the message of it's meant to be shown off. She stood there broken, and with tears in her eyes as I sat there arms folded thinking "really?? are you serious? You're talking about bra's? Ok so what if a bra has rhinestones on it or if anyone see's it??" Of course the advertisement was more about showing it off on purpose rather than by accident. I went to lunch with my mother and talked about how boring the whole service was.
But yesterday it hit me....the same sadness she must have felt when she saw where this generation and our young girls were headed too. I looked at a picture of my friend surrounded by two other female friends all with pregnant bellies stared back at me. From what I could tell all of them were single, unwed mothers. I thought "WOW I can't believe it has become so common for so many young ladies to become mothers at such a young age especially out of wed lock". It actually hurt me just a little bit. My mind drifted back to that mother's day weekend when I sat at church bored out of mind, and I thought "wow she must have gotten a glimpse of what that would lead too". It's crazy to think society starts with some thing small like....
"Oh it's ok to do this or wear this" then from that something small and innocent they birth something larger. All of the sudden society says "Oh it's okay to fornicate...I mean who really waits these days?" "Oh it's ok to dress provocative" "It's ok to be a lukewarm Christian...I mean all those so called radicals are so super religious they don't even have a real life". Everyday in society we hear "It's OK...it's ok...IT'S OK"
Well I am here to say "It's NOT ok". Yes God loves us, yes he wants us to have the best, and be our best, but that comes with the big print of "when you obey the commandments of GOD". We especially as Christians, can't keep re-paving the way to the narrow road that leads to Christ. It seems as if every time I turn around some one is trying to modify the route to make it a little bit more easier.
Our little girls should be little girls, not mothers or girls that dress like men. Our boys should be boys playing with toy soldiers and traveling to outter space in their rocket ship....not thugs, gangsta's, teen age fathers, statistic, and definitely NOT boy's who act like they can't hold their palms up straight. Can we go to back to then?
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