Let Go and Let God!
When we say “Let Go Let God” do we really know what we are declaring? Truthfully I didn’t either till last night. Let it be made 100% clear that I have said “Oh I’m just going to Let go and let God” and being of the Choleric temperament I tend to want to get back in the drivers seats in a few hours/days or sometimes even weeks. But how am I letting it go if I’m back at it again? And what is letting go and letting God truly mean? Well I’m glad you asked (even though you didn’t) It means total surrender and submission, but of course we live in a society where those two words mean the worst. I mean let’s define the word surrender shall we? To give up possession of or power over; yield to another on demand or compulsion & submission defined is as the act of submitting something to another for decision, consideration, etc. YESSH! That doesn’t sound pretty at all. I mean giving in, and not doing it my way 100% sounds pretty harsh huh? I mean my plans after graduation is to “conquer the world kind of like Hitler minus the mass genocide and hatred of human kind”. How’s that going to work with this whole Letting Go and Letting God concept? Again GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!! You’re significant other comes up to and tells you “I really want to you to stop talking to so and so” You’re first reaction as mine would be. You have got to be kidding me, of course if you are smart you won’t say that out loud. Some things are better left unsaid and sadly most days I don’t practice that, but that’s a whole different subject. Weeks go on and he or she finds out about that text the other person send you merely because they were having a hard day and wanted some one to talk to. They ask you again “I really don’t want you to talk this person”. By now if you are a smart person and want to keep your relationships going with your SO you start cutting ties with this other person. No if, an’s or but’s. All you know is he or she and they must have a good reason for asking so. Well didn’t you just submit to one of their wishes?
It means you gave up and you gave in and we just can’t have that. I have jokingly said may times “after graduation I’m going to conquer". But in all honesty isn’t that what we all hope to achieve in the long run. We want the car, the house, the bling, the family that compliments it all. And in order to achieve this you have to be a winner, always willing to fight for it, “when the going gets tough the tough gets going”. I was thinking how is that we can submit to our boyfriends/girlfriends/friends/cousins/families wishes, but when it comes to the wishes of God we want to tweak it. We want to be God, but let go and let God at the same time…isn’t that ironic? So to my family and friends who say LET GO AND LET GOD remember the next time you say it; it’s more than a statement that show’s in your demeanor for 5 mins then you try to control things again IT IS A LIFESTYLE! Like Jesus said in his final hours “not mine but thy will be done” Now that’s truly letting go and letting God.
Amen, its soo hard to Let Go.. But understanding the aspect of LET GOD is wonderful.. Thanks Sis