A young man was about to graduate high school, and he told his father exactly what it is that he wants as a graduation gift. He wanted a car more than anything else. He knew the type of car, the make, the model, and even the color. His father always listened to him as he talked about this car, and how that's ALL he wants for his graduation. The day of his graduation came about, and after the ceremony his father called him into his office. He told his son "I have a gift for you" the son was excited beyond words, because he just knew in his heart of hearts that it was going to his car since he asked for nothing else. His father slowly opened the drawer and got a box out. He eagerly opened the box, and his face soon fell into disappointment. Inside the box laid a beautiful Bible with his name engraved in gold letters.
Soon disappointment turned into anger, and he threw the Bible down and said "You got me a Bible!!?? All I asked for was a car!! I have never asked you for anything else this great, and you got me a Bible!!!?". He stormed out the office,and soon left the house. Years went by, and he never saw nor spoke to his father. He grew up and did great things, and bought great things. One day he got the news that his father had passed away. He decided to go back to the house that he has not seen since his high school graduation. He walked around and started to feel remorse on how things ended and he wished his father could have seen the great things he has done. He walked into his fathers office,and memories of that last day started replaying in his head. He walked around and touched a few of his personal belongings, and from the corner of his eyes he saw it. The Bible that he threw to the floor years ago. It was sitting on his fathers desk still waiting to be opened. With tears in eyes the boy went over to the Bible and opened it up. From one of the pages a key with a tag attached to it fell to the ground. He picked up the key, and realized that key belonged to the very same car he had asked for years ago,and on the tag it said "Paid In Full". The boy sobbed uncontrollably when he realized how foolish he has been.
Question: How many of your blessings have you missed out on because it wasn't wrapped how you liked it or how you expected it to be wrapped?
Oh my goodness, Juby! So glad you commented on my blog, otherwise I wouldn't have found yours! I love your writing and this post almost had me choking with tears. Thanks for sharing this story, such a great blessing to me at this very moment and a true reminder of how shallow our hearts can be when we seek things from our Heavenly Father... He always gives us the best even when it may not seem like it, if only we trusted and cherished His love and truth more. Happy New Year and wishing you abundant blessings to come! xoxo
ReplyDeleteWow. That makes you think Twice on Everything grl. That Story was... Wow, left me speechless!! And so true on your question. Kind of goes back to the simple phrase "Don't judge a book by it's cover" That is a powerful story. Thank You for sharing =D
ReplyDeleteMs. Dahlia- I'm so glad I found you as well. I look forward to reading and seeing your homemade arts and crafts....
ReplyDeleteI heard this story when I was going through a little test in my life over four years ago, and I can honestly say I am quick to turn certain things away because the packaging looks all wrong. Now when I know something is great and I am not leaning towards it I always ask myself "do you know want it because it's not packaged how you thought it would be packaged?"
It's still a working process....
Markie MARK!!! HECK YEA it does! Glad I got to share it with ya'll!