For a while now I've been thinking about myself and my likes and dislikes,and I remember I having an internal conversation with myself, and I ended the conversation with "I'm not looking for a husband, I'm looking for a (life) partner". That kind of caught me off guard, and lead me to think deeper and deeper into the difference between a husband/wife and a partner. Of course I had to use my favorite site Google, and look up the definition. I as a female will be speaking of the husband, but you as the reader can reverse the meaning according to your preference.
Husband is defined as: A man joined to another person in marriage; a male spouse
Partner is defined as: a person with whom one shares an intimate relationship
The deeper a person looks into the meaning of these two words it really makes one think. The conclusion I came up with is anyone can take the husband title and put it on themselves, but a partner it's a contract that you sign, and you uphold that contract through the good and the bad. When you have a partner this person compliments you in your weak areas and in your strong areas. Another way of looking at this would be the common saying "baby daddy" and "daddy". Anyone can donate their sperm, but it takes a special breed to be the real deal.
See in a partnership we think twice before breaking a contract because both parties are aware that there are consequences and ramification when a contract is broken. To me marriage is a contract, it is one that you make with God and your spouse, and you say " for the good, the bad, the worst" I choose to stick with this person. This is my partner and I honor them, and I will not break the contract that I make with God and with this person. For these reasons and more I choose to have a partner in life rather than just a husband.
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