Few months back I became the proud owner of my first D-SLR. Right after buying it I went to Cali,l and I fell in love with taking pictures. I came back to TX refreshed, and full of ideas. After coming back I faced a few personal problems, and along with it went on a dry spell . I took pictures here and there, but nothing like I would have liked too. So for months there on my floor sat a very expensive camera doing absolutely nothing. Last night a good friend of mine and I decided to go shooting after saying for a few weeks now.
When we got to our destination I must say I was a bit iffy about taking pictures. I felt like my "photo eyes" were no longer with me since it has been a minute. In fact I was not liking a single s
hot I took until the sun started descending. I got my inspiration while testing my shots and here is my inspiration shot.

While it may seem like a tree to just anyone. It lead to me asking my bff to pose for me for what I
envisioning.... a few bad shots later and figuring how to work with the lighting. This is what I ended up with...
Needless to say it occurred to me you can get rusty, but if you have a creative bone in your somewhere its hard to lose it.
My model/guy that got me out there so I can get this shot!...Thanks buddy!!!